The onslaught of requests for a blog came, and thus we felt the need to oblige. So to those of you out there who have blog rolls, rss feeds or are otherwise just curious, we do this for you. Our goal is to show you what our lives are like on a not so daily basis--to entertain and educate in a pithy manner that is above all short enough for the Twitter-sized attention span. Looking into China through a blog is akin to looking into the depths of Lake Houston, occasionally something emerges out of the murky silt water that makes sense, and the longer you stare the more heads and tails you will recognize. However, the fundamental means of experiencing China is in person with time and an open mind. Those of you who wish to make the trek across the ocean are welcome to join us, but for those who cannot, here is an inspiring peek into our ever expanding universe.
-Daniel & Sharee'